系所簡介 Introduction







  1. 施於文化藝術與專業技能教育,培育具創新與美學素養之人才。
  2. 掌握科技新知,強化專業與研究能力之設計人才。
  3. 跨領域多元教學與學習,開發創造力與設計力。
  4. 推展國際設計文化交流,提升國際競爭力。


  1. 強化研究創意思考、傳達媒體設計及數位應用科技,提升更高層次之專業能力。
  2. 培養人文藝術涵養,具創造力與美感素養,從事視覺傳達設計創作與學術研究之能力。
  3. 運用技術、設計,與科技資源,推廣視覺文化生活,開發文化創意產業;發揚本土特色,提升視覺設計之品味。
  4. 推展國際設計文化交流,提升國際競爭力。


  1. 因應招收社會及在職人士,發揮進修推廣教育之精神以加強社會在職人士之設計課程理念、人文素養及鑑賞能力為主要目標,並依不同領域之設計專長開發相關課程,以期提升更高層次之專業能力。
  2. 掌握科技新知與市場趨勢,強化視覺設計基本能力,訓練研究創作思考,結合溝通傳達學習的養成,與設計文化以及產業文化需求接軌。
  3. 發展跨領域多元教學開發創造力與設計附加價值,提升視覺設計之品質。
  4. 推展國際設計文化交流,提升國際競爭力。










本系所之空間規劃 :

一樓空間 : 展示玄關、展示長廊、系辦公室、會議室、兼任教師休息室、設計展示中心、研究所專用教室及雷雕紙模工作室。

二樓空間 : 攝影教室、暗房、圖書室、研究所專用教室、專任教師研究室。

三樓空間 : 電腦教室、素描教室、包裝設計工作室等教學教室。

四樓空間 : 專業教室、研究生專用研究室、大學部與進修部系學會辦公室等。






Brief introduction

  1. To meet with the needs of economic development, and of national cultural policies, we aim to cultivate professional designers with outstanding skills as our goal.
  2. Through the training programs, students will be equipped with professional skills as to understand the market trend, new technology, design aesthetic, academic research, creative thinking and capability, etc.
  3. We offer interdisciplinary programs by using art and design resources to develop cultural creative designs, to enhance features of Taiwan, and to promote the quality of designs, etc.
  4. We try our effort to promote international design culture exchange as well as international competitiveness.

Feature development

Our department is the first professional design department established in Taiwan, which inherits from the features of traditional and prospective visions of visual communication design.

Professional and Artistic Environment

Other than common universities, our campus surrounded with artistic environment, because all our departments and colleges are arts related with good tradition of training programs; therefore, students will be influenced and cultivated as excellent artists or designers by the artistic atmosphere.

Striking a Balance between Theory and Practice

We emphasize both theory and practice; further, we also concentrate on the connection between academic community and the design industry.

Recently, to face the uprising new technology as multi media, advanced media communication, and digital technology, etc. as well as to cope with governmental promoted cultural creative design industry, our programs will be emphasize on the multi-pronged strategy to adapt to the situation. To understand design theory, traditional technology as well as contemporary technology, cultural content, visual aesthetic, environmental and human factor, etc. and then, to apply to the fields of sign design, poster, packaging, website design, animation, exhibition design, and environmental design, etc. That is the process from the theory to practice.

Both liberal arts and digital technology will be concentrated on our discipline, and students will be equipped as professional designers with creative thinking, problem solving in theory as well as in reality.


We have great facility in our department, the four story department building with variety of professional classrooms as audio-visual rooms, drawing rooms, computer rooms, laser cutter lab, photographic darkrooms, conference rooms, research rooms, library, and studio rooms, etc. for both undergraduate and graduate program using.

The department facilities as laser cutter, laser printers, color inkjet printers, personal computers, laptop computers, overhead projectors, photography enlargers, and a library, etc. and students are free to use all the equipment at the department.


The visual communication design department was founded in the year of 2000, which originated from craft department, the first art college in Taiwan in the year of 1994; however, originally the department was called industrial art department, National Taiwan Academy in the year of 1957.

A great number of professional designers graduated from this department, which is the first and one of the best design departments in Taiwan.

The graduate program was founded in the year of 2004 included the extension graduate program, and more advanced design programs are provided for students to further professional discipline.


Currently, we have 8 full-time faculties, including 5 professors, 2 associate professors, and1assistant professor. Four of our full-time faculty members with Ph.D. degree in the fields of Art and Design, and there are over 50 faculty members including part-time faculty in our department.

Wonderful surroundings with good facilities, professional faculties and variety of challenging programs provided, to cultivate great designers will be expected.